Spider Control

In Australia there are around 2000 spider species, and they have a fearsome reputation.   The reality is that the majority of spiders cannot harm humans.   Even though most spiders are not aggressive, they may bite in self defence if they feel threatened, are frightened or are accidentally touched.   Those at greatest risk from a spider bite are the young or the elderly.

Fun Fact:  Spiders “listen”to the silk strands of their webs like stringed instruments in order to locate prey and find deformities in their webs

At Command Pest Control we can provide a safe and effective pest management program to rid your home of spiders and keep you and your family safe.

Spiders belong to Class Arachnida (which also includes scorpions, mites, ticks and harvestmen).   They have eight legs, two main body parts, fangs, and silk spinning organs.   So they are not insects, which have six legs, three main body parts and chewing jaws.   But like insects, spiders moult periodically to allow them to grow.

There have only been two spiders that have caused deaths in Australia in the past, Redback spiders and the Sydney Funnelweb.   There have been no deaths in Australia from a confirmed spider bite since 1979.   Redback Spider anti-venom was introduced in 1956 and one for funnel-web spiders in 1980.


Redback Spiders – found all over Australia, these spiders are black and shiny, with a red or orange marking under the abdomen.   Most have a stripe on the upper abdomen too.   The females are larger than the males and may produce several thousand offspring during their lifetime.   Hundreds of bites are recorded each year with symptoms including pain, sweating, nausea and vomiting.

Whitetailed Spiders – found all over Australia, these spiders often find their way into homes.   They are often most active at night when they are hunting.   Usually grey to black in colour with a cigar shaped body and a white mark on the tip of the abdomen.   These spiders are not aggressive but can inflict a poisonous bite.

Huntsman Spiders – generally found living in the garden under rocks and bark, on the ground or on foliage, these spiders sometimes enter houses or cars.   Usually brown or grey in colour, Huntsman spiders can measure up to 15 cm across the legs.

Black House Spider – these spiders are commonly found in the bark of trees.   Between 9 – 18mm, with black legs and a large abdomen, these spiders bites can be quite painful with swelling, nausea and vomiting recorded in cases.

command pest control collage

Contact us

Why Choose Us?

When you need reliable service at affordable prices call Command Pest Control.   We are one of the best pest control companies in the town.   We will remove dangerous and not so dangerous spiders from your property to make it safer for you and your family members. Give us a call today for a free quote.


Thompsons Road, Templestowe Lower 3107




0452 123 153

Working Hours

Mon To Fri 8am - 5pm

Sat & Sun as required